Children’s ministry
The Children’s ministry aims to develop the faith of children from birth to the age of fourteen by bringing them into fellowship with the church. It strives to offer various ministries that will lead children to Jesus and guide them in their daily journey with Him; by cooperating with the Sabbath School department and other departments to provide religious education.
The Children’s Ministry department aims to spiritually nourish children so that they serve Jesus with love. This department strives to fulfill its mission by developing:
– Ministries focused on grace, through which every child will experience the unconditional love of Jesus, feel accepted and forgiven, and be committed to Him.
– Ministries that include all children, where participants and children are deeply respected regardless of race, skin color, language, gender, age, abilities or socio-economic circumstances. They will have the opportunity to get involved without any discrimination.
– Ministries where volunteer leaders will receive the authority, training, and qualification necessary to effectively minister to children.
– Ministries focused on serving others, where children will have the opportunity to help those in their community or city, thus creating a model of witness that they can use throughout their lives.
– Ministries promoting cooperation with other entities such as Family Ministries, Sabbath School and Lay Activities departments, Youth Department, Education Department, Stewardship and other departments, to achieve mutual goals.
– Ministries in favor of child protection where:
a) leaders and coordinators will be selected for their high spiritual and moral backgrounds;
b) the Church will adopt measures to protect children from physical, emotional, sexual, and spiritual abuse and to protect itself.
– Evangelistic ministries, through which children who are not part of the church community will encounter Jesus’ love through missionary programs such as Vacation Bible Schools, children’s sections of Sabbath Schools, home Bible studies, and children’s stories during worship services.