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August 7, 2024| Longueuil, Quebec| Seventh-Day adventist church- Quebec Conference| President Ngoy Kyala


Dear sisters and brothers,

We greet you in the sweet name of Jesus Christ, our Savior.

We wish to inform you of the recent incident concerning the bus transportation that the majority of our Pathfinders and their Chaperones were to use to get to the International Camporee 2024, which takes place from August 5 to 11 in Gillette, Wyoming.

After months of enthusiastic preparation, we were floored by the major issues to the trip, caused by unforeseen and quite frankly, unbelievable issues linked to the transportation.

Several months ago, a transportation company duly registered in Quebec (hereinafter, the “Service provider”) was chosen to assure the transportation of our Pathfinders and their chaperones. All the necessary measures were taken in order for the trip to take place and for said company to honor its obligations.

Late Friday night to Saturday August 3rd, 2024, we had concerning exchanges with the Service provider. Following these exchanges, we left no stone unturned as we tried to find a solution allowing the Service provider to fulfill its obligation towards us.

We were in the same mindset when, early morning Saturday, we came to the heartbreaking conclusion that said Service provider was not going to meet us at the different meeting spots for the trip.

With God’s help, the support of the Board of directors and the proactivity of the Head of the Conference, we were able to find and book another transportation company that took our Pathfinders and chaperones safely to destination. As we write these lines, they are creating priceless memories at the Camporee.


However, for us, it’s time to apologize. 
We apologize for opting for a service provider who planned our trip during the Sabbath hours. We should have been more rigorous and discerning when the Service provider offered us the travel plans, in order to better honor the Sabbath day, the day of rest prescribed by God.
Furthermore, we apologize for any disturbances this incident caused you all, dear brothers and sisters.


To prevent these types of event from recurring within our Conference, we are actively putting in place a thorough process within the Department of the Pathfinders. The new pastor, who will soon occupy the position of Director of the Pathfinders, will be involved in this process as soon as he arrives.

The Board of Director of the Conference of Quebec will meet in the next days or so to discuss the details of this file and to draw all the possible lessons from what happened. We will implement any recommendation made following this process.


By the grace of God, through the unexpected and unforeseeable, our Pathfinders and their Chaperones were successfully brought to the Camporee.


Kind regards,

Pastor Ngoy Kyala
President of the
Seventh-Day Adventist church — Quebec Conference


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