aimé le monde
qu'il a donné son
Fils unique
A propos de nous
Les Adventistes du Septième Jour reconnaissent la Bible comme seule source de leurs croyances.
Nous considérons que notre mouvement est le résultat de la conviction protestante Sola Scriptura – la Bible comme seule norme de la foi et de la pratique chrétiennes..
Prayer Ministry
Prayer Ministry OBJECTIVE The Prayer Ministry’s objective is to transform all churches and all homes into houses of prayer. MISSION The main mission of the Prayer Ministry and it reinforce, strengthen, spiritually support any ministry,…
Family Ministries
The Family Ministry department aims to achieve and be a source of inspiration for households, to bring healing to married couples, families, and individuals through the abundant love and saving grace of Jesus Christ.
Health ministry
The Health Department promotes a healthy lifestyle in the church and its social environment.
Women’s ministry
Our goal is to inspire women to reach their full potential in Christ, to train them to deepen their spiritual life and put their faith into practice, using their diverse gifts in his service, and thus having a significant role in hastening Christ’s return.
Native Ministry
Bringing our message of hope and health centered on Christ to indigenous peoples.